4 blocks/8 weeks ICU
6 blocks/12 weeks inpatient General Medical floors
4 blocks/8 weeks outpatient Internal Medicine (clinic)
6 blocks/ 12 weeks elective (with varying back up or call responsibility)
2 blocks/4 weeks vacation
4 blocks/8 weeks nights
2-3 blocks/4-6 weeks ICU
6-7 blocks/12-14 weeks inpatient General Medical floors (Hospitalist service)
6-7 blocks/12-14 weeks outpatient Internal Medicine (clinic)
6 blocks/12 weeks elective
2 blocks/4 weeks of ambulatory elective/research
2 blocks/4 weeks vacation
2-3 blocks/4-6 weeks nights
2 blocks/4 weeks ICU
5-6 blocks/10-12 weeks floor
6-7 blocks/12-14 weeks outpatient medicine
7 blocks/14 weeks elective
2 blocks/4 weeks of ambulatory elective/research
2 blocks/4 weeks vacation
2 blocks/4 weeks nights
All non-elective inpatient rotations (Floors and ICU), outpatient internal medicine (Outpatient Center/clinic) blocks and two elective blocks: 4-week average of two “golden” weekends with no patient care responsibilities, one Saturday overnight shift (“grey” weekend) and one weekend of two consecutive day shifts (“black” weekend). Sunday to Friday overnight shifts covered by the night team interns.
Per each academic year, an annual average of six Saturday overnight shifts and 6 weekend day-shifts for PGYII residents (12 weekends), and an annual average of four Saturday overnight shifts and four weekend day-shifts for PGYIII residents (eight weekends). Sunday to Friday overnight shifts covered by the Night Team senior resident. Each PGY-II will be responsible for one 24-hour shift during holiday coverage.
Two- or four-week vacation block(s) (total four weeks/year).
Two to three residents and two interns at a time are designated as the “backup” or “sick call” resident to be called in for coverage during their elective blocks.